Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Eden's heartbeat

My daughter came with me to my last midwife appointment. She used her new camera to record her sister's heartbeat. When I hear this I have hope for the life inside of me.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sound! Love the belly too. :)

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

AAAhhhhhhhhh What a beautiful sound. The lords hands at work. Love u

Marina said...

Alexis, first of all I have to say that after reading all of your entries I am just SOOOOOOOO impressed by your incredible writing abilities. You are an amazing writer! I realize that I had never had the great fortune of reading anything you had composed. You are truly a very, very gifted writer. Your ability to communicate thoughts is done so beautifully. Your subtitle alone "My struggles and trimphs when my world got turned upside down" is perfect. It would have taken me hours and weeks to come up with something even half as decent. And your line "So I delight and mourn every roll and kick"- gosh! I could totally feel for a split iota of a second what you've been feeling. Thank you for sharing what you've been feeling. And the other one that just jumped out at me, "My first and immediate reaction that hadn't heard figures or facts yet, the moment just a fraction of a moment before my head started swimming...This moment comforts me. It was here that my faith spilled out, not yet crowded by logic or emotion. Just faith." Alexis, I truly cannot tell you enough what an amazingly gifted writer you are. I hope that your blog will end with the glorious miracle of a story of insane amounts of joy and a gorgeous whole Eden whom you can hold in your arms and love on for years to come. I am so sorry that I have been at a loss of ways to comfort you and that my ineptness at knowing how to come alongside of you has caused me to be quite vacant from your life. May you be filled with the knowledge of how much Steve and I truly care for you. I will continue to lift you up in prayers each and every time you are in my thoughts.
Marina :)